Chapter 2. Commander Login

Table of Contents

Installation of LiftOff Mobile
OS Requirements
Request for Commander Access
PIN Creation
LiftOff Commander

Installation of LiftOff Mobile


LiftOff Mobile™ is delivered to consumers as a mobile application that utilizes BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology to validate physical presence inside a LiftOff Mobile™-enabled building. In addition to LiftOff Mobile™ consumers, elevator installers, building administrators, and visitor hosts use the LiftOff application to manage access to LiftOff Commander at buildings licensed for LiftOff Mobile™, Ascent™, Concert™, and Access VMS™. This chapter documents the process of enrollment and configuration from the property manager or visitor host perspective.

OS Requirements

LiftOff mobile requires an iOS or Android device. Currently, iOS 13.0+ is required.


To install LiftOff, visit the Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) with the mobile device on which the application ought to be installed. Once installed, the LiftOff icon will appear on the home screen:

Figure 2.1. LiftOff Home Icon

LiftOff Home Icon

Tap the LiftOff icon to begin the enrollment process.


When LiftOff is first launched, the property manager or visitor host will be prompted for the phone number of the device on which LiftOff will be used:

Figure 2.2. Registration


LiftOff attempts to automatically determine the appropriate country and phone number format, but the default determination can be changed. Once the phone number is entered, an SMS verification code will be transmitted to the device:

Figure 2.3. Verification


On iOS, tapping “From Messages” will automatically insert the SMS verification code. Once verified, LiftOff will ask for the First Name (Given Name), Last Name (Surname), and email address. LiftOff will then attempt to locate nearby LiftOff buildings and will display them.


The verification code sent via SMS is valid for five minutes. Once five minutes has been exceeded, re-entry of the phone number is required.

iOS and Android will ask for application privileges:

  • Location Services

  • Bluetooth

  • Notifications

For those buildings licensed for LiftOff Mobile™, choose “While Using the App” for location services, or, if AutoLift and QuickLift support is desired, choose “Always”.

Request for Commander Access

Before a PIN code can be assigned in the LiftOff app for use in accessing LiftOff Commander, the property manager or visitor host must have been granted the role of Administrator, Approver, Security, or VisitorHost. There are three approaches to acquiring the role once the LiftOff mobile app has been installed:

  • An existing building Administrator uses the Users panel to enroll the property manager or visitor host, either with the Add User function, or via a CSV upload, and then assigns the appropriate role

  • The person desiring Commander access uses LiftOff mobile’s “Request Access” feature to request access, and an existing Administrator or Approver grants it, including the role membership

  • If this is the first property manager for a building, either the Elevator Mechanic, during the turnover process, or braXos support enrolls the initial Administrator

In the last case (first property manager), an email to braXos support ( with name, phone number, and email will cause the initial property administrator to be enrolled in the building.

PIN Creation

Once either braXos Support or a fellow Administrator/Approver has granted Administrator, Approver, Security or VisitorHost roles, the property manager or visitor host can use the LiftOff app to assign himself or herself a PIN code used to authenticate to LiftOff Commander. To do so, launch LiftOff mobile, tap the Settings gear:

Figure 2.4. Settings Gear

Settings Gear

A section title, ADMINISTRATION, should be displayed. This is only displayed if the LiftOff account has been granted Administrator, Approver, Security or VisitorHost privileges by either braXos Support or a fellow Administrator or Approver. Tap Update PIN to set the 4-digit PIN Code:

Figure 2.5. Update PIN

Update PIN

LiftOff will require some form of biometric verification (e.g.: TouchID, facial recognition) to update the PIN to ensure the PIN code has been set by the phone’s owner. Note the PIN code assigned, as it is used with two-factor authentication in LiftOff Commander.

Avoid PIN codes that are easily guessed. Examples include: 1111 and 1234.